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Home » 2016 » October » 6 » Confessions of a hunter
5:05 AM
Confessions of a hunter
So what is it that we are actually doing here? This is an app for chatting is it not!? what ever the conversations may be , what ever groups you associate with , the topics that associate amongst those groups.... those are what we identify our selves by, sometimes people online like to portray differently then what they are in their everyday lives ,or sometimes people bring their lives into Here. No matter what you choose to do online all of what everyone has done to date has brought this app closer into full social media. During our time on here some of us , unfortunately have had to experience terrible things that shouldn't exist.  There are places where young adults and young children are able to be subjected to and or allowed to participate and interact in illegal communities. There are those who have taken dark humor and trolling deep web illegal content to this app as well. There are those very sick individuals who have taken a fun social media device as a root to fulfill dark and illegal fantasies and yet some even further than that like to become profitable . Fortunately there are those of us who will not tolerate that type of behavior in real life let alone in an online community. One that is readily available and easily accessible to children. We will go to extreme measures to ensure those who do prey on children and their innocence are removed from this application, these users will be  identified to local, state. and federal law enforcement agencies. Further more local public schools and public offices and  Immediate family and friends will also be notified immediately. To all of those of who have dedicated their time in any way to keep our community free from the  above mentioned filth , thank you for contributing to making the world a better place. ~dub
Category: Dub.dailys corner | Views: 371 | Added by: Mocodaily | Rating: 0.0/0
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