KiK Daily
Home » 2016 » October » 6 » Spread the word please
1:27 AM
Spread the word please


So what is it that we are actually doing here? This is an app for chatting is it not!? what ever the conversations may be , what ever groups you associate with , the topics that associate amongst those groups.... those are what we identify our selves by, sometimes people online like to portray differently then what they are in their everyday lives ,or sometimes people bring their lives into Here. No matter what you choose to do online all of what everyone has done to date has brought this app closer into full social media. 
Here at KIK DAILY what ever groups you associate with , the topics that associate amongst those groups we will bring you all the insider news and events via kik daily app& website
Submit an article, exposed video,youtube channel, group or hash tag news or even official release news
If you would like to follow our site via an app for more easy updates please visit the play store and download :
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Submission require no sign up nor does using the site.
To become an official  news feed you must talk to staff about signing up to the website .
Kikdaily App spits out site content  posted by users  verified by staff and republished. Anyone  who has the app gets the content.
The site does not require sign up nor does the app , unless you are an official releaser  or .daily staff or publisher. or would like site to app pms and more options as a site member
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Category: CR0WNING Corner | Views: 508 | Added by: Mocodaily | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Mocodaily • 2:12 AM, 2016-10-07
Vestibulum nec ultrices diam, a feugiat lectus. Pellentesque eu sodales enim, nec consequat velit. Proin ullamcorper nibh nec malesuada iaculis. Donec pulvinar ipsum ac tellus ornare, quis vulputate lectus volutpat.