KiK Daily
Home » 2016 » October » 6 » Updates about kik Daily
11:13 PM
Updates about kik Daily
STEP ONE: DOWNLOAD THE APP STEP Two: *site and app do not require sign up to use*

(see bottom of post for * info) Please remember to login and log out if you should be able and can't do something on the site . Make sure to read old news feeds for current and future updates.

GUESTS CAN :submit articles for re submission to our news feeds or ad videos or post in the forum and have there posts automatically send via our site app after verification of submissions and new threads.

*USERS CAN: recive pms via app and send pm to site via app or have there own sections,group feeds, forum section and moderators ect.*

Category: Kik Daily | Views: 464 | Added by: Mocodaily | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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